About us
In order to better assist its clients, DAMY Law Firm has developed the VictimAction website to inform modern victims about their possible recourses. The legal information provided on this site is free of charge but does not replace a real consultation with the law firm or members of its network.
The VictimAction website is a way for DAMY Lawyers to offer its clients accessible information. Thanks to the contact form, the lawyers in its network will be able to take note of the problem, guide the victim and make a tariff proposal for their possible intervention. The Internet user will be completely free to decide whether or not to follow up. If necessary, the latter will sign a fee agreement with the lawyer and will mandate him to resolve his dispute.

What we do
We have made an observation, that of the too many victims left without fair compensation. The inadequacy of certain systems to meet the expectations of people who have suffered a blow to their lives. For these reasons, the Damy Law Firm and the Victim Action network work to inform and guide victims on their rights and their possibilities of recourse. Because of its international nature, the network of lawyers is able to propose innovative solutions for the defense of victims. In order to leave no one behind, to leave no one without answers and for a better handling of the prejudice.