Victim of Cryptocurrencies ?
The Victim Action network, coordinated by the law firm DAMY, helps you get your money back!
Filing a Complaint
Debt Collection
Liability Action
New technologies have brought new ways to invest... and new ways to be swindled.
he Law is unfortunately behind technological developments and markets are opening up faster than their frameworks. Very often, the victim of cryptocurrency finds himself alone with nothing to do. Our network of lawyers has made it a point of honor to consider innovative solutions to the recovery of lost money. Under the supervision of Mr. Grégory DAMY, lawyer at the bar of Nice and Luxembourg, specialized in Commercial/Banking and Corporate Law, the Victim Action network acts internationally in the defense of victims 2.0.
To learn more and get a free first opinion on your problem, do not hesitate to contact us at +33(0) or through the contact form.
Our other fields of intervention
- Road accident
- Domestic accident
- Medical accident
- Defective products
- Assault
- Abusive business practices
- Non-existent company
- Fake trader
- Cryptocurrency scam
- Account blocking
- Ruinous investments
- Digital asset theft
- Leakage of intimate photographs
- Online threats and/or insults
- Pishing
- Phone harassment
- Cryptojacking
- Lottery scams
The VictimAction network informs you, accompanies you and directs you to its partner lawyers in order to resolve your dispute.
Define your category
Financial Victim
Bank / Neo-Bank / Cryptocurrency
Blocked account, stolen cryptocurrency, unexpected bank charges, there are solutions
Physical victim
Traffic accident / Medical accident / Accidentde la vie
Because it never happens at the right time, we can guide you to the best solution.
Victim of the Web
Online stalking / Revenge Porn / Data theft
The Internet is not a lawless zone, talk to us, our professional partners can advise you.